

What are the health effects of fasting?

health-effects -of-fasting

What are the health effects of fasting?

Undoubtedly, fasting is a sacred act of worship and its rewards can only be given by ALLAH, but as a result of fasting, people receive amazing treatments that ordinary people cannot even imagine.

Science has also proven that fasting has many benefits for human health.

The International Congress held a conference in Casablanca in 1994 entitled "Ramadan and Health", reviewing fifty articles on Ramadan and health, which recorded incredible improvements in the health of the people of Ramadan.

According to the article presented at the conference, those who ate more food during Iftar and did not get enough sleep had a negative impact on their health.

According to experts, fasting provides peace of mind and heart.

In this month full of spirituality, all the families gather for Iftar dinner, which enhances the love between them and all these habits create a feeling of peace, tranquility, and self-satisfaction.

Fasting helps improve blood flow A 1997 nutrition study found that fasting reduces bad cholesterol and increases the amount of good cholesterol.

During Ramadan, dates, nuts, and home-cooked food are preferred. Fast food consumption is reduced during Ramadan. Taraweeh Namaz's practice on the night of Ramadan is not only for spiritual benefit but also for keeping the human body healthy.

During the month of Ramadan, fasting gives a great opportunity to keep someone away from various bad habits because fasting teaches us self-control and restraint and makes one realize that one is addicted to bad habits including smoking or any such drug can get rid of it.

During Ramadan, the amount of calories decreases frequently, one of the reasons being the reduction in fast food and foods that cause dramatic changes as the number of calories in the human body decreases.

Experts say that fasting is beneficial for a person's physical beauty, skin freshness, hair, and even nails.

Apart from fasting, the energy and strength of the human body are only due to the digestive system, but even after 1 hour of fasting, the body's energy does not work in terms of the digestive system. 16 Irregular substances are eliminated.

It is a misconception that fasting weakens a person. A person is successfully trying to prevent aging by fasting. During fasting, the hormones in the human body prevent aging which is activated. Strong and it reduces wrinkles.

The benefits of fasting treatment are coming to the fore, fasting is a field against cancer, heart disease, and arterial disease.

In hot weather, the human body needs more water in the fasting world.

The scorching heat causes the skin to burn. Health experts advise that water should be used frequently after breaking the fast and during the morning. It can keep the skin fresh.

Fasting also has a positive effect on human skin and nails, increasing hair growth and strength on the nails and scalp.

During fasting, the body releases hormones that beautify the skin and brighten the nails and strengthen the hair, even fasting prevents infection bacteria and prevents aging.

Fasting's treatment benefits

Fasting does not bring spirituality, purity, and self-purification, but saves a person from various diseases.  Scientists say there is evidence that fasting can have many health benefits, including getting rid of excess weight.

Fasting results in mutations in genes and a decrease in the growth of a hormone called IGF-1, which reduces aging and reduces the risk of geriatric diseases.

Walter Longo, a professor at the University of Southern California, says that fasting lowers IGF-1 levels and puts the body in a state of rejuvenation, activating most of the body's repair genes.

Fasting is effective for human health as well as worship. Doctors say that fasting does not cause any defects or weakness in the body, but by fasting only twice the interval between meals is slightly longer than usual and in fact, the whole body has a lot of calories and fluids within 24 hours.

Water quantity is available on days other than fasting. In addition, it has been found that people consume more protein and sugar during Ramadan than usual.

In view of this fact, it can also be said that common nutrients (calories) are more available in the body than on normal days.

In addition, the body also meets its energy needs by using waste products.

Fasting has the following treatment benefits:

  1.  Fasting gives the whole digestive system a month's rest.  In fact, it has an amazing effect on the liver, especially the liver because the liver performs fifteen more functions in addition to digesting food, which leads to fatigue.

On the other hand, fasting gives the liver four to six hours of rest, which is absolutely impossible without fasting. Because very little food, even one-tenth of a gram, if it enters the stomach, the whole digestive system starts working and the liver becomes active immediately.

From a scientific point of view, medical experts claim that this rest period should be one month a year.

  2.  This effect provides a very beneficial rest to the heart. More importantly, a decrease in the amount of fluid in the cells (intercellular) further relaxes the cell process.

The cells on the upper surface of the salivary membrane are known as the epithelium, which is responsible for the constant excretion of body fluids, the only comfort is relieved through fasting similarly reducing the pressure on the tissues.

This diastolic pressure on the muscles is very important for the heart. Diastolic pressure is always at a low level during fasting, meaning the heart is at rest at that time.

Moreover, some people today are suffering from severe stress due to certain conditions of modern life.

Fasting one month of Ramadan, especially on diastolic, is very beneficial for people by reducing it.

  3.  The lungs clear the blood directly, so fasting has an indirect effect on them. If the blood clots in the lungs, then this complaint is resolved very quickly due to fasting.

The reason is that the ducts are cleaned. It should also be remembered that in the state of fasting, the lungs expel wastes very quickly, which helps to cleanse the blood and cleanses the blood, leading to health waves throughout the body.

  4.  During fasting, when the blood nutrients are at their lowest level, the bone marrow begins to move. As a result, weaker people can easily produce more blood through fasting.

During fasting, the liver provides the necessary rest so that it can produce blood easily and in large quantities.

  5.  The number of red particles in the blood is high and the number of white particles is low. According to experts, during fasting, the body temperature cure drops, but the real appetite actually returns.

So the physical condition returns to its original state. Similarly, when the fast is broken and food is taken, the body temperature rises slightly. An after fasting, the process of cleansing the blood begins.

In the case of Kalat-ul-Alam (Yamina), it is often seen that the number of blood cells in the blood increases.

Fasting especially strengthens the heart, brain, and liver and improves their effectiveness.

In addition, metabolic function is regulated which scientists have proven time and time again and its report has been published in the National / International Medical Journal.

Fasting eliminates excess fat. fasting plays a role in relieving stress. Obese people can lose weight by fasting and breaking the fast on time.

Fasting can be very beneficial for women who are obese and have no children because modern medical science believes that childless women are more likely to have children after losing weight.

When we fast our stomach waste products disappear. Another important benefit of fasting is that those who are addicted to bad habits like drugs, alcohol, and smoking can overcome these habits with the help of fasting.

Experience has shown that fasting prolongs a person's life. Fasting frees our heart from expending its energy in the digestive system and it expends that energy to produce globin.

Globin strengthens our body's immune system. Fasting improves immunity.

Fasting frees brain cells from waste products and similarly burns brain powers. The importance of fasting and fidelity can be understood from Professor Nikolai's statement in his book Hunger Health.

He writes: "I refrain from eating for three or four weeks so that he will be healthy for the rest of his life.”

Muslims have benefited from the blessings of fasting for centuries, but as science has advanced, so have the scientific and medical benefits of fasting.

I hope this benefit of fasting will be a great benefit for you.

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