Get a healthy life by practicing yoga
It is very important to maintain your health and well-being with age. There is also a very simple way to avoid health hazards. It is called yoga.
In recent years, scientific research has shown that physical and this method of psychological exercise, i.e. yoga, has many pleasant effects on human health, this exercise also helps to improve the performance of the limbs.
Yoga is a Sanskrit word meaning to overcome and unite. (Union) Yoga physical exercises and breathing exercises are used to stay healthy. Yoga is known all over the world for its many useful properties. Is growing in popularity.
Heart health
Yoga exercises can be helpful in keeping the heart rate normal.
Experts say that people who have to take medication to keep their heart rate normal can reduce their medication through yoga.
Yoga can not only keep you physically fit but also balance your mind mentally and emotionally.
Weight loss
Physical abilities can be highlighted through daily yoga exercises and weight loss can be achieved quickly by taking proper diet along with yoga.
Get rid of fatigue
A few minutes of daily exercise is the best way to get rid of mental and physical fatigue. Yoga exercises reduce stress and make a person calm.
Life is a combination of body, mind, and soul. Just as any irregularity of the body affects the mind, so too the restlessness or the restlessness of the mind affects the body and causes insomnia.
Practicing yoga gives strength to the body, special breathing techniques and meditation practice reduces stress and leads to restful sleep.
The following points need to be considered and practiced before starting yoga exercises.
The place where these exercises are to be done should be clean and airy, do not use masher or outpost.
During exercise, the clothes should be loose fitted and not warm. Light warm clothes can be used in winter.
All exercises should be done on an empty stomach or before breakfast in the morning. After half an hour of exercise, a good diet such as fresh fruit juice and milk can be drunk. If you do not get a chance in the morning, do these exercises three to four hours after eating. Take but only once in 24 hours.
It is also important to pause for a certain amount of time during each exercise.
Leave the body loose at intervals during exercise and take deep and long breaths, i.e. collect as much breath as possible in the lungs through the nose and exhale through the mouth.
This method is an important aspect of yoga. The body's blood circulation is normal. It is said that deep breathing in the morning thins the blood, which protects against blood pressure.
Before starting all the exercises, you should do a few lights jumping, running or warm-up exercises to speed up the blood circulation and keep the body warm.
A few basic exercises
Below are the details of some basic exercises. If these warm-ups exercises are done with full attention, confidence, and dedication, then useful results will gradually come to light.
Neck rotation
Stand up straight with both legs together. Tilt the head as low as possible above the neck while keeping the lower body still from the neck. The way the head of the clock moves slowly on the neck. Move-in a circle. Now do the same for the other side, i.e. if the neck was rotated to the right, then repeat the same process to the left.
Complete ten cycles in the same way by giving a minute break in between. Lift the head up and take a long and deep breath through the nose and exhale through the mouth. Do not have the effect of tilt.
Waist rotation
Stand upright with a distance of about one to one and a half feet between the two legs and hold the palms of both hands by twisting both sides of the waist in such a way that the fingers of both hands are facing the waist while the fingers of both hands Place your thumb on the front of the body.
Now keep the knees of both legs straight and the upper body slightly in the same position and rotate the middle body i.e. waist and abdomen in a circle in a clockwise direction.
Now complete ten cycles in the same manner as in the first position. The lumbar spine and lumbar spine warm-up well, improving physical flexibility and nerve communication.
Rotation of the knees
Stand upright with the toes of both feet together. Bend the upper body slightly down and make your grip on the knees of both legs with the palms and fingers of both hands while the knees are also in a joined position. Now the knees. When lifting in front of the body, lift the heels of the legs slightly and balance the body on the toes.
In this position, keep the body in balance and move both knees together in a circular clockwise direction with the grip of the fingers. By improving the mental, spiritual and physical abilities through yoga, it is possible to improve health and increase beauty.
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