

Summer body workout


Summer body workout

Summer body workout, It is the idea of ​​maintaining a healthy body shape during the summer should not be taken lightly.

Start practicing every day, so that the body is light and the hanging flesh is stiff and the painful balm of the body disappears.
Summer loosens the body. It helps to get the 100% results during body workout in summer.

In winter, if you fix your body, it will not be affected by heat. No one can practice much in warm weather, but if you can do body workout in summer, it melts the extra fat rather quickly.

The thighs, abdomen, shoulders, and buttocks (whole arm) are the limbs that become loose and make the body ugly and awkward.

Start with the right abdomen first. It is not found until the stomach is in its place. For this purpose, it is important to practice the loose muscles of the abdomen, as height reduction will be followed by fatigue and endless fatigue.

This is mostly due to practice. It is also important to exercise the internal pelvic organs to keep the abdomen straight.

Abdominal muscle strengthening can be done in a way that boosts confidence and dignity. Standing on the shoulder should be practiced every day to keep the abdominal area healthy and strong. It will be more beneficial in summer body workout.

This exercise is very effective for this purpose. Stay behind you and take deep breaths in and out. Then slowly lift both legs up and keep the knees straight.  Use both hands to lift your hips and back and press your elbows to the floor.

Try to straighten the body upwards, keeping the spine straight and the legs straight. When the head and legs are straight, bring both hands up and down to keep the spine straight. Keep the body in this position for one minute and try to stay in this position for a few minutes with slow exercise.

To return to the previous position, move the hands upwards in the same way as moving the hands downwards. Until your body touches the floor again. Do not keep your legs straight.

Women who find this exercise difficult and cannot stand on their heads should rest their bodies on their backs and lie on the floor.

When doing this, keep the shoulders straight and lift the legs and torso back, so that the legs can rise above the body and in all these movements, support the spine by holding the waist with the hands. It's like you have to go one step further to tighten your stomach. It is a form of yoga.

This exercise begins while standing on the shoulders and the legs are moved outwards from the head. Do not move your legs at this time. Keep your knees straight and your feet on the floor, then lift your hands up and touch your toes.  Do not force the legs to the floor.

If your back is stiff and you can’t bend, bend as easily as you can. Doing this every day will increase the flexibility in the waist, even bringing the legs closer to the ground, especially in summer body workout.

Now slowly come to the first position and use the hands to help bring the body down I I like both exercises to keep the wrist flexible and the abdominal muscles tight.

This is the best exercise to relieve fatigue when the feet start touching the ground with this exercise and this is what I do.

Correcting the middle part of the body is another exercise that tightens and strengthens the abdominal muscles where the body has to stretch.

Lie on the floor and keep your arms outstretched. Now bend the right knee and bring your legs to the head.

The thumbs are pointing upwards. Stay in this position for a few minutes. Then gently bring the toe to the ground, spreading the toe on the floor until the toes are straight.

Repeat this on another leaf. This second exercise is very beneficial for the loose muscles of the abdomen. Lie on the floor with the palms of your hands facing the ground at the level of your elbows in front of your shoulders.

The elbows extend slightly outwards, then lift the body upwards during breathing. When lifting the body, the head, shoulders, and lower abdomen should be in line. Then exhale and gently bring the body to the floor.

This exercise softens the esophagus and stimulates the internal and external muscles especially in summer body workout.

It boosts the mood in the body but keeps the round shape of the flesh in the shoulder bones in a good position. At first glance, the body falls on the frame and if there is any defect in the shape and size of the body, other qualities may fade. Tied shoulder fatigue and signs of grief do not have to be related to their age.

A 20-year-old man can be found as dilapidated as a middle-aged man if his gate is not like that of a young man.

Corrects: In addition to correcting body lines, these exercises also strengthen muscles. Lean on the floor, bend the knees, and rest the front part and the palate on the front floor.

The knees should move one foot backward and lift upwards with a deep breath so that the feet are resting on the floor and the knees are straight.

The elbows are on the floor and the body weight is above the hands and toes.  Then gently raise your head as high as possible.

Then exhale and rest the knees on the floor. Raising the head with the body benefits the shoulder area. Loosens the excess stretched and stretched flesh of the body and strengthens the soft and supple muscles of the center above the waist.

The chest area is removed in a wet manner. Advanced exercises to say goodbye to curly hair straighten curly hair and at the same time strengthen the muscles in the chest area. By strengthening the shoulder area, you can easily maintain body shape and height.

Stand up straight to reach the edge of the right shoulder bone and move the back of the left hand (palms outwards and open) backward.

Then move the back of the right hand to the back in the same way and touch the edge of the flat bone of the left shoulder.

It is very possible that the fingers of both hands cannot touch each other, but you should be able to get the fingers of both hands to slowly meet each other but it should not be applied so hard between the six that the pain began to be felt.

Stay in this position for two or three minutes. In this second exercise, the alti palti is beaten and placed on the floor, the spine is kept straight and the arms are placed behind.

The palms of both hands are placed side by side on the lower back and the shoulders are pushed upwards slowly to prevent the tendency to tilt downwards.

As the exercise progresses the task becomes easier, moves the hands upwards, but instead of pushing, do it again.

Practicing all these exercises improves height and body size. It enhances body appearance and makes the body attractive.

Health improves with age and there is a feeling of freshness and height in the soul.

The fact of the matter is that to maintain good body shape, women should protect their bodies more than men and keep it healthy through practice, but the opposite is true.

That is how to make your body perfect and super fit by doing this body workout in summer.

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